19 research outputs found

    Radial scanning strategies leading to substantial improvements in processing time

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    Recent experiments with newly developed radial machining paths have shown that process time gains of up to 300% can be achieved compared to conventional linear scanning strategies. Various radial patterns such as circles and spirals were analyzed and developed. These individual methods were further optimized to achieve the highest possible process speeds and reduce downtime when the laser is not in operation. Furthermore, an optical z-axis was integrated into the system, which allows the marking of workpieces with uneven surfaces while maintaining full synchronization between the scanner and the laser system

    A VHDL-AMS Modeling Methodology for Top-Down/Bottom-Up Design of RF Systems

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    Indo-ChinaAn agreement between Ho Chi Minh and the French (1946) made Vietnam a free state though fighting between parties erupted into the First Indochina War ending in May 1954.Vietnam. (2013). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from http://school.eb.com/eb/article-52744GrayscaleForman Safety Negatives, Box

    Supporting Dimensional Analysis in SystemC-AMS

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    This paper will introduce new modeling capabilities for SystemC-AMS to describe energy conserving multi-domain systems in a formal and consistent way at a high level of abstraction. To this end, all variables and parameters of the system model need to be annotated with their measurement units in such a way that they become intrinsic part of the data type. This enforces correct model assembly through strict interfaces and coherent formulas describing the analog behavior by means of dimensional analysis. A library of generic block diagram components has been developed to demonstrate how both requirements can be met using the Boost libraries together with SystemC- AMS. The demonstrated implementation techniques are the key to integrate new Models of Computation (MoCs) into SystemC-AMS to facilitate further the description of multi-domain systems

    Support pour l'analyse dimensionnelle en SystemC-AMS

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    La modélisation de systèmes hétérogènes conservatifs multi-domaines (électrique, mécanique, fluidique, etc.) requiert un moyen de vérifier que les quantités manipulées par les modèles aient des unités cohérentes. Nous présentons ici les fondations pour le support de l'analyse dimensionnelle statique (effectuée à la compilation) de modèles développés à l'aide des extensions AMS (Analogue and Mixed-Signal) de SystemC. L'approche présentée dans ce papier sera incorporée dans un nouveau modèle de calcul Bond Graph qui complétera les modèles de calcul déjà prévus dans les extensions AMS de SystemC

    Développement d'un modèle de calcul Bond Graph pour SystemC-AMS

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    Il est nécessaire d'améliorer les capacités de modélisation et de simulation de SystemC-AMS afin de supporter des composants conservatifs à temps continu dans plusieurs domaines physiques et leurs interactions avec des composants numériques. Le formalisme des Bond Graph unifie la description de systèmes multi-domaines et s'intègre bien avec les graphes de flux de signaux modélisant la partie traitement des signaux et de contrôle de systèmes complexes. Le but de ce travail est l'intégration du formalisme Bond Graph dans SystemC-AMS comme nouveau Modèle de Calcul (MoC)

    Development of a Bond Graph Based Model of Computation for SystemC-AMS

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    The modelling and simulation capabilities of SystemC-AMS concerning conservative continuous time systems involving the interaction of several physical domains and with digital control components are currently limited. Bond graphs unify the description of multi-domain systems by modelling the energy flow between the electrical and non-electrical components. They integrate well with block diagrams describing the signal processing part of a system. The goal of this work is to integrate the bond graph formalism as a new Model of Computation (MoC) into the SystemC-AMS prototype

    A VHDL-AMS Modeling Methodology for Top-Down/Bottom-Up Design of RF Systems

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    This paper presents a modelling methodology for the top-down/bottom-up design of RF systems based on systematic use of VHDL-AMS models. The model interfaces are parameterizable and pin-accurate. The designer can choose to parameterize the models using performance specifications or device parameters back-annotated from the transistor-level implementation. The abstraction level used for the description of the respective analog/digital component behavior has been chosen to achieve a good trade-off between accuracy, fidelity, and simulation performance. These properties make the models suitable for different design tasks such as architectural exploration or overall system validation. This is demonstrated on a model of a binary FSK transmitter parameterized to meet very different target specifications. The achieved flexibility and systematic model documentation facilitate their reuse in other design projects

    Bond Graph Support in SystemC AMS

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    International audienceSystemC AMS is a simulation framework, which is used for the hardware/software co-design of heterogeneous systems on chip. The increasing integration of digitally-assisted multiphysical components into these systems makes the bond graph formalism an excellent candidate to augment the modeling capabilities of SystemC AMS to enable the description of their energy-conserving behavior. Bond graphs integrate well with the block diagram formalism to describe continuous-time non-conservative behavior. The latter formalism also facilitates a seamless interaction with models using the Discrete Event (DE) and Timed Data Flow (TDF) models of computation of SystemC AMS. Therefore, both formalisms have been implemented into a dedicated Bond Graph (BG) model of computation for SystemC AMS, which architecture and usage is presented. The system model of a vibration sensor and its digital front end serves as an example how the different models of computation can be used in parallel to describe the individual component behaviors in a well adapted way

    SystemC-Based Modeling of Embedded Heterogeneous Systems

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    SystemC is emerging as a de-facto standard for digital system design. Since embedded systems include more and more heterogeneous components (e.g., analog/RF front-ends, processor cores, embedded software, digital hardware, sensors, actuators), the need for also supporting continuous-time models of computation in SystemC is growing. This paper reviews the main efforts to date for equipping SystemC with appropriate modeling guidelines or new classes and methods for supporting continuous-time and mixed continuous-time/discrete-event/discrete-time modeling and simulation. A particular emphasis is given on reporting on the ongoing effort in the OSCI (Open SystemC Initiative) AMS (Analog and Mixed-Signal) Working Group

    Forum on specification and Design Languages

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    This book brings together a selection of the best papers from the sixteenth edition of the Forum on specification and Design Languages Conference (FDL), which was held in September 2013 in Paris, France. FDL is a well-established international forum devoted to dissemination of research results, practical experiences and new ideas in the application of specification, design and verification languages to the design, modeling and verification of integrated circuits, complex hardware/software embedded systems, and mixed-technology systems. • Covers applications of formal methods for specification, verification and debug; • Includes embedded analog and mixed-signal system design; • Enables model-driven engineering for embedded systems design and development